Formatting A Rhetorical Analysis Essay In The Chicago Style

Rhetorical essay analysis is a method of developing a scholarly or academic article where criticism over a particular subject involved. Often referred to as pragmatic criticisms or analysis, it deals with breaking of a scholarly write up into different subsections and each part focused on a particular theme based on the main topic. The each subsection developed may include various aspects such as entertainment, criticisms, informative element or any sort of data.

The general structure of criticism article includes the following sections in the order

  • Title page or a cover page

  • Deciding of SOAPS tone.

  • Examining the appeals

  • Formation of an analysis

  • Introduction

  • Formation of a thesis statement

  • Article Body

  • Analysis and results

  • Conclusion

  • Bibliography

Rules for creating a rhetorical analysis essay in Chicago style

There are certain rules and regulations to be followed while developing an article based on Chicago style and it include unique guidelines and formats which are different to the other forms of academic articles. It includes the subsection which has to be included in an organized manner, the styling, editing and formatting techniques allowed. Some of the major rules are highlighted below:

  • Title page: the titles should be italicized and should placed under quotation marks and the main title should be centered and it should not be subjected to bold or underline.

  • Page numbers and margins: except the title page of the article, all the pages should be numbered and should be aligned to the upper right corner of each page. The first page of the article should start with the page number 2. You can either use numberings or roman letters to number your pages but in Chicago style it is recommended to use the numerical page numbering. As far as margins are concerned, 1 inch margins are allowed without aligning the right margin.

  • Line spacing: the entire article should be double spaced and make sure that there are no extra spaces left in the document. In the bibliography section you can include single spaced lines.

  • Footnotes: while quoting or using a paraphrase, you can include footnotes and it highlights the sources used to develop your article.

  • Indenting: first line of each and every paragraph in the rhetorical article should be ½ indented.

  • Bibliography: including this subsection is a must for Chicago style rhetorical article where you enlist the resources used to complete the article.

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