What Are The Basic Principles Of Essay Citing?

An essay is a form of writing or a literary composition done based on a particular theme or a topic. Writing an article needs special talent and not always an easy task. These may be analytic in nature, descriptive, argumentative, evaluation type or even art critical analysis essays. Each forms of writing have its own unique format which needs to be strictly followed. As far as academic writings are concerned, there are thesis works, research papers and term papers.

Citation in an essay is the way of referencing various sources which were used for the completion of the article. Sufficient information should be given by the author to the readers to locate the source of evidences and analysis results. Citations should be authentic and must not mislead the readers from the main topic of your writing. It also includes the pictorial representations, tables and graphs which substantiate your points in an article.

The role of essay citations in your article-points to remember:

  • Your writing can be completed only of proper references are provided at the end of the article. It helps the readers to locate your findings as well as collected data for their further reference. In certain cases much elaboration of a particular topic may not be furnished in your essay and there you can provide source for reference.

  • If you have taken major quotations and chapters from a book as an evidence for your writing, the article should highlight the book name as well as the name of the author along with the information regarding the edition and publishing year. If anonymous works are added in your writing, they should be placed first in alphabetical order.

  • Most of the readers want to know whether the points established in your article are valid or not. If you are working on an evaluation or argumentative essay, they mostly lookout for the sources that approves your findings. In such cases the citations help you a lot

  • You can add a special section in your writing as citations or reference after completing your article. You should mention the citation section on the table of contents to avoid confusions and for quick reference

  • Bibliographies can also play a vital role in standardizing your writing. Citing sources and reference sites along with a neatly prepared bibliography makes a perfect article.

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