Are you writing an essay, but can’t find a topic that’s worth discussing? Then you’ll need to come up with a strategy for figuring out a way to come up with a killer topic. If you try hard enough you’ll find that there are hundreds of interesting topics that you can come up with. Here are a few ideas for coming up with some high quality titles:
The topics that are most worth discussing are the ones that are currently in the news, because they’ll be the most relevant. Therefore, watch the news for a few days and take out the stories that are most appealing to you. Then, you can write a piece on what is being reported, but you should give your own unique angle on the story. This will add some variety to what is already being reported.
Furthermore, if you don’t watch the news then it will give you a reason to do so, and perhaps it could become a habit. Another advantage of using the news for coming up with an essay is having access to research material. All you need to do is watch the news and the research is there in your face.
For those of you who are struggling to come up with good quality topics, then here are some topics to get you started with:
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