Free Tutorial On How To Write A Descriptive Essay About A School


If you are assigned to write a descriptive essay about your school, don’t get frustrated. This assignment may turn into quite an interesting experience. After all, you’ve been attending this school for several years already and should have learned all its famous and queer places by now. Undoubtedly, some of them are really memorable, and it will be great to dive deep into these memories once again.

To create a vivid picture of a place in your descriptive paper, you should turn to human senses and employ the power of language as effectively as possible. You should show, no tell in your piece of writing. It means that nothing should happen in your essay. You should simply describe your school as it is or as you remember it to be. Upon reading your paper, readers should have a feeling that they have already been in this particular place. How can you accomplish this task? The following guidelines will definitely be helpful.

  • Pick three things to describe.
  • To write a standard five-paragraph paper, you should focus on at least three school places worth description. They will make the body paragraphs of your work. Brainstorm on the topic. Pay attention not only to how significant the place is but also what emotions and memories it evokes. For example, you may focus on the classroom where the majority of exams and tests took place, on the auditorium where you met famous people, and on the school corridor that, for some reasons, turned out to be particularly memorable for you.

  • Write down specific details.
  • You should involve the following senses in your description: sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste. Don’t force all of them into your paper. For example, describe what you see when entering the classroom, how noisy or silent it is, and what smell you recall prevailing in it.

  • Draft your essay.
    1. In the introduction, hint at the three school-related things you are about to describe in your paper.
    2. In the body, describe all these things in separate paragraphs. Use concrete images to describe the place. Apply figurative language, like similes, metaphors, and personification. Use action verbs to show your school.
    3. In the conclusion, briefly summarize what you described in your work.
  • Revise your paper.
  • Read your essay. Do you provide enough details to describe your school? Does your description involve five human senses? Does it draw a clear picture? If you are satisfied with what you read, your teacher and classmates will definitely appreciate your work as well.

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