Instructions For Finding A Proofread Sample Descriptive Essay For Free

A descriptive essay is very much like a narrative one in that the style of the writing is typically less objective than those with different purposes, such as to persuade or to inform. Instead, this writing style tends to be flowery and jam-packed with adjectives. However, the two of them differ in that rather than telling a story, as a narrative does, a descriptive essay will describe something to the audience such as an event, an experience, or an object. This type of paper often uses “I,” since they can be about personal experiences or observations. In addition, word choice tends to be very important in descriptive writing in particular because you want to convey the proper image or feeling to the reader. What you write should appeal to the five senses: taste, smell, sight, and hearing, as the purpose of your writing is to accurately portray to the reader the event, person, object, place, etc. that you are writing about.

If you are looking for a free proofread sample, below are some instructions to follow:

  • You can find many fine examples of descriptive papers on the Internet. Simply do a Google search. Go to the search bar and type in, “sample descriptive essays”, “free descriptive..”, “collection of…” - any one of these will do. And you will find many, many very well written examples. Similarly, if you search for images, you will get a whole screen full of results. Some of them may not be legible at first, but if you click on them, you can see a bigger image. If that doesn’t make it clearer, you can click on the image again to go to the web page it comes from.

  • Another good place to look is the back of your English textbook, as most textbooks have samples for you to study and learn from. These are a very useful resource for you; they may also include helpful pointers on how you can improve your writing.

  • In addition, people have also thought to collect the best samples into books. You are sure to find several good examples of whatever kind of writing you are looking for in these anthologies. Some titles include:

    1. 50 Essays: A Portable Anthology

    2. 75 Readings: An Anthology

    3. The Writer’s World: an Essay Anthology

    4. 40 Model Essays: A Portable Anthology

    5. The Seagull Reader: Essays

    6. The Best American Essays.

    You can check with your local library to see if they happen to have any of these books.

If you follow these instructions for finding free proofread samples of descriptive essays, you are sure to succeed. But remember - use them as examples and do not plagiarize someone else’s work.

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