Tips On How To Organize An Argumentative Essay About Solidarity

Argumentative essays are a brilliant way of not just expressing yourself in your paper, but also unleashing a lot of general tension at life. However, the reality is that like anything else in academia not everyone is cut out to do them. It is only natural that some people would lean more instinctively towards analytical or fact-driven papers. So, whatever the reasons for your current state of confusion, here are some top tips on how to organize an argumentative essay about solidarity:

Follow the set structure

The very first thing that you need to do is follow the set structure for your argumentative piece. In other words, view it in the same way as you would every other paper that you write. There is a comfort to be found in the fact that it is formulaic, so follow this structure until you have a solid, first draft.

Understand what is meant by the term solidarity

Solidarity means different things to different people. As such it can be applied quite broadly from ancient civilizations right the way through to modern times. Your scope and remit is quite broad, therefore, I would recommend that you spend some time figuring out what works best for you. Do you wish to write about Solidarity as in the Polish Trade Union Movement which was incredibly powerful back in the day? Do you maybe want to look at solidarity in terms of people from different racial groups sticking together? What does it mean to you?

Look at both sides of the argument

You don’t want to produce a bland, standard piece. You want to write an exceptional paper. The only way to do this is to fully understand both sides of the argument. Yes, you will have come down (hopefully) decisively in favor of one particular side. However, a craftsman will ensure that they fully understand the opposite side to give an added dimension and nuance to their work. Do you want to be a graffiti artist, or do you want to be the modern day Da Vinci?

Look for a controversial angle

Something a little sparky and controversial can be brilliant, provided you are able to back it up with evidence. If your argument is weak or flimsy, then your grades will suffer. Your tutor is highly unlikely to fact check every single detail – The key is in making sure that it sounds and feels right!

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